Our Curriculum

At Hurst Park Primary, we inspire a community of successful learners. We empower pupils to become lifelong learners through an evidence-informed curriculum which is ambitious for all, balanced, well-sequenced and diverse. This enables pupils to build increasingly rich schemata as they move through the primary years and develop their cultural capital. 

Our Curriculum: Designed for Success and Enrichment

Fostering a love of learning: We use proven methods to inspire a lifelong passion for learning in all pupils, ensuring extra support for those with special needs or disadvantaged.

Solid foundations for the future: Our curriculum exceeds national standards, ensuring strong reading, language, and subject knowledge from Early Years, through Key Stage 2 and beyond. Our curriculum offer facilitates the development of interconnectedness between substantive knowledge (facts and concepts) and disciplinary skills (skills and processes), ensuring a progressive learning journey.

Technology-enhanced learning: We embrace a PedTech approach, integrating digital tools to make learning accessible for all, promote engagement, and develop essential tech skills for a changing world.

Beyond the classroom: Extra-curricular and enrichment activities maximise every pupil's potential and broaden their experiences.


“The curriculum is enhanced by a wide range of enrichment activities which boost pupils’ personal development and cultural capital. Pupils participate in extracurricular clubs and all Year 4 learn to play the violin. Pupils take part in residential trips, and visits to places of worship and other local areas.” - Challenge Partners 2024

How We Achieve This

Evidence-based approach: Our teaching methods are backed by extensive research for proven effectiveness.

Regular assessment and improvement: We constantly evaluate our curriculum to ensure it is challenging and relevant for the context of our pupils.

Memory and skill development: Through targeted techniques like retrieval practice, our pupils can effectively retain knowledge and apply it meaningfully across the curriculum.

LEO Academy Trust Partnership: Our Trust partnership and shared vision of Learning, Excellence, Opportunity, unlocks exceptional learning experiences for pupils.


Our curriculum draws on the knowledge of successful evidence informed strategies, is used in conjunction with the LEO Teaching and Learning Strategy and is enhanced by the five LEO Pupil Outcomes: 

  • Active Citizens In A Global Community

  • Self-Directed, Collaborative And Confident Learners

  • Innovative Learners Who Pursue Excellence

  • Healthy Learners Who Make Small Changes With A Big Impact

  • Leaders Of Today; Life Long Learners


National Curriculum