

Key Stage Performance

We want all children to be confident and successful learners who achieve the very best they can. We treat all children as individuals, carefully monitoring their progress and planning next steps on their learning journey.  All staff are dedicated and committed, ensuring that children receive the best education they can.

Children’s progress is monitored regularly and updated on our tracking system each half term.

We report children’s achievements through Parents’ Evenings and in the annual written school report. 

We are delighted to share our end of Key Stage results for 2024

Expected Standard HP

Greater Depth HP


Find out more about the National Curriculum Key Stages at Gov.uk  

Hurst Park Key Stage Results 2023 

View the School Performance Table

Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review

The Challenge Partners programme helps schools with their monitoring and evaluation procedures, gives senior leaders the opportunity to become national specialist leaders of education (SLEs) and provides outstanding continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for all staff.

We are delighted to report that our most recent Quality Assurance Review found that:

“Hurst Park Primary is an inclusive school where staff go out of their way to meet pupils’ different needs and help them learn in the most productive and effective ways. They implement appropriate adjustments for pupils with SEND so that they can access learning and feel included.”

- Challenge Partners 2024

Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review