
Welcome to Hurst Park Primary Academy. We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school.  For more information on how to apply for a place in either Reception or an In Year Admission please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

Please see our Admissions PoliciesHurst Park Primary Academy Address and Directions


Reception 2023/2024

We have 60 places in our Reception shared between two classes. All children need to apply for a Reception place regardless of previous pre-school education. Offers of Reception places are sent directly by Surrey County Council in the term before your child is due to start. Once you have confirmed your acceptance of the offer to the Local Authority, your details will be forwarded to the school. You will then be informed by the school as to your child’s starting date. Your child will have the opportunity to visit the school prior to starting.

For Reception places, please apply via the the Surrey County Council website, please click on the link below:

Applying to start in Reception


In Year Joiners

Pupil places throughout the school become available when families move away from the area. For more information on how to apply please click on the link below:

Applying for In Year Admissions - School Managed Application (SMA)

For more information from the Surrey County Council, please click here.

Information for New Parents Joining the School


Online Safety Policy


Information for Parents with Children About to Start Primary School

Elmbridge Primary Schools Information 

Get Ready for School Booklet

Starting School - September 2024