Breakfast and After-School Club

Cygnets Extended Schools Information


Our aim is to provide a safe and caring environment where children can have fun and continue to learn through play together.

Cygnets Extended Schools is run by Mrs Read and her team, Mrs Smith, Mrs Etches, Mrs Catling Hall, Ms Woodage, Mrs Butterfield, Mrs Fountain and Miss Bamford- all staff at Hurst Park School.

We accept children from Reception to Year 6.

We meet every morning in the hall from 7.30am and every afternoon until 6pm. On the last day of a full term the after school club will be open from the close of school until 4.15pm The children are brought to us by a member of staff.

The children are offered a healthy breakfast choice of cereal, toast, pastries, yoghurts, cheese and fruit, with milk and fruit juice to drink. Milk and water are also available throughout the session.

For BC, the children can start their day at the colouring/activity table or play with the construction and small world toys. We also have games and books. The children are able to choose from a wide range of resources and are encouraged to use all the resources in a calm way ready for them to start their day. Weather permitting we will play outside with bubbles, chalk and ball games.

For ASC the children are able to use the outside areas to play football, tennis, ball games, scooters, play with water, sand, chalk, bubbles, dress up or play imaginary games. Inside there is a craft table, craft equipment, tuff tray, junk modelling, construction, cards, games, small world, writing equipment and books. There is also an opportunity for the children to complete their homework if they would like to do so.  The children in years 2-6 are able to use the Google Chromebooks.

The children are encouraged to be independent and may choose any resources they wish to use from the cupboards and are also encouraged to tidy up afterwards. We also offer some planned activities in which children are welcome to participate.

Breakfast Club children will be taken to their class by an adult.

ASC children must be collected via the front reception any time up to 6pm when the club finishes. A strict incremental late collection fee is operated from 6pm.Please see the Late Collection Policy.  On the last day of term there will be a late fee from 4.16pm.

Breakfast Club sessions cost £5 per morning and After School Club sessions cost £12.50. Payments can be made through your Arbor account or using voucher payments.

All bookings must be made using the Google form. Please note the new terms and conditions.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on the Cygnets email address or call 07821667967

We hope you decide to join us and look forward to seeing you soon.

Many thanks,

Mrs Read and the Cygnets Team